Level 3 Construction Enters New Phase of Guest Room Renovations at the Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel
Level 3 Construction has completed the first phase of its renovation work at the Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel and has started Phase 2.
Phase 1 included renovation work to the hotel’s Palo Alto guest rooms and corridors. They received fresh wall coverings, carpet, paint, and furnishings. Phase 2 encompasses the Stanford guest room wing of the hotel, also referred to as “The Club Wing” and will reflect similar improvements. Our team expects to complete Phase 2 by the end of January.
Level 3 Construction’s President and CEO Ian Mahon noted that the company has earned a positive reputation in the hospitality renovation market because of the team’s professionalism when working in guest-occupied spaces. “Our team self-performs, and we deliver a level of courteousness and excellence that hotel management appreciates, especially in settings where outstanding customer service and attention to detail affect the bottom line. When we are on a job site, we regard ourselves as an extension of the team and do our best to represent the hotel and brand well.”
Level 3 Construction has completed several renovation projects at Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel on behalf of Pacific Hotel Management, LLC, including the main lobby and four ballrooms.
For project updates, follow @level3construction on social media.